Starting July, 2018 we have a new support channel. We will communicate it for all old customers. For new customers it should be transparent. We are trying to fix our support which has been suffering for the whole year due to busy schedule! We have someone working on it starting july!Event Booking Pro
Admin DEMO:username: demo
password: demo
- Multilingual Support (WPML)
- Unlimited Events
- PayPal Integration
- Offline Booking
- Supports additional gateways
- Multiple Bookings
- Multiple Currencies
- Coupon Integration
- Gift cards Integration
- Event Categories
- Multiple occurrences for same event
- Multiple Tickets
- Sub tickets: Adults, children, etc…
- Google Maps
- Tax
- Responsive Calendar Shortcode: 4 modes
- Lazy Load Calendar Shortcode
- Responsive Event Box shortcode
- Responsive Event Card shotcode
- Responsive Event Button shortcode
- Responsive Weekly calendar Shortcode: addon
- Responsive ByDay calendar Shortcode: addon
- Mobile fall back booking page
- List Events based on filters (eventBoxes and eventCards)
- Shortcode generation
- AJAX Control Panel with 500+ Settings
- User friendly event creation
- Visual Editor
- Sandbox integration
- Offline booking form customization
- CSV Integration
- Add to Google Calendar / Export to ICS
- Every thing is customizable, from text ,color,size,padding,borders,border radius and much more.
- Email Support
- Booker receives an email
- Owner (admin) receives email of booking
- All emails are customizable<l/li>
- Pre/Post emails (Emails Addon)
- Cancel event emails (Emails Addon)
- Cancel occurrence emails (Emails Addon)
- Sell giftcards / coupons(GiftCard Addon)
- Multiple success actions: Open Success popup, Close booking popup, redirect to page, show message below button.
- Shortcodes: Calendar – Event Box – Event Card – Event Buttons – Events List