ProTask is a project management system with time tracking feature. It’s a single-page application made with Laravel, Vue.js, and InertiaJS.
It’s specially designed for a company who needs powerful project management tools, including time-tracking features for their team, and wants to keep data on their own server.
Change log:
--- 1.2.5 (27 February 2024) --- - FEATURE: Pre-made board list(insert automatically) option(enable/disable) while create a new project. - IMPROVEMENT: Project/Task slug based on the Project/Task name - FIXED: Russian language while change project name --- 1.2.4 (21 February 2024) --- - FEATURE: Add Manual time tracking options for the tasks, including memo log(as per customer request) - IMPROVEMENT & FIXED: Deleting user issues(for the different role - as per customer request) - FEATURE: Get updated file lists based on the latest CodeCanyon files --- 1.2.3 (7th February 2024) --- - FEATURE: Added Calendar view - IMPROVEMENT: Task slug based on unicode text - FIXED: Russian text saving issue while update task --- 1.2.2 (22th January 2024) --- - FEATURE: Task visibility (private/public) based on the particular projects (As per customer request) - Private: tasks will be only visible for the admin and assigned users - Public: tasks will be visible for all members of the workspaces - FIXED: Comment Creation data issue fixed (as per customer request) - IMPROVED: Installation DB Connection while password with special characters (as per customer request) --- 1.2.1 (12th January 2024) --- - FIXED & IMPROVEMENT: Add files to task - file types and security issues - FIXED & IMPROVEMENT: Dark Mode issue --- 1.2.0 (3rd January 2024) --- - UPGRADE: Laravel framework, Dependancy and Module updates --- 1.1.3 (24 December 2023) --- - IMPROVEMENT: Dependency updates (composer and packages) --- 1.1.2 (15 December 2023) --- - IMPROVEMENT: Move/Transfer task to an another project/board - FIXED: Table view render issues --- 1.1.1 (7 December 2023) --- - NEW: Added Show/Hide registration option from the login page - FIXED: Forgot password issues --- 1.1.0 (2 December 2023) --- - IMPROVEMENT: Updated license functions (added product item id on license) - IMPROVEMENT: Sidebar Design Update - FEATURE: Added Task Cover while board view --- 1.0 (1 December 2023) --- * NEW: Initial Release
ProTask has the following features:
- Manage WorkSpace including Project/Tasks
- Tracking Time
- Manage Board List
- Email Notification
Thanks to the powerful opensource team:
1. Laravel 2. Vue 3. Inertia.js 4. TailWindcss 5. Flowbite 6. MySQL