This plugin grabs the keyword used to trigger your Adwords ad and inserts it into your Wordpress page where the plugin’s shortcode is.
If no keyword is found, a default phrase or word is inserted instead.
Wordpress short code usage: [keywordinsert listenfor=”keyword” default=”default phrase”]
and add the following parameter to your Adwords Ad URL Options: ?keyword={keyword}
If you Adwords Ad destination already has parameters (i.e. there is already a ? in the URL, add &keyword={keyword} to the end of the URL.
You can listen for any parameter in the destination URL: [keywordinsert listenfor=”mykeyword” default=”default phrase”] and add the following parameter to your Adwords Ad destination URL &mykeyword={keyword}
{keyword} is an Adwords parameter which passes on the search term to your landing page, is grabbed and inserted by the Wordpress Dynamic Keyword Insertion plugin.