Agile Store Locator Demos | Template 0 Demo | Template 1 Demo | Template 2 Demo | Template 3 Demo | Template List Demo
Store Locator WordPress | Store Finder WordPress | Location Finder WordPress
Agile Store Locator is a premium WordPress Google Maps Plugin designed to offer you immediate access to all the best stores in your local area. The plugin can be used for stores listing, deals listing, hotel listing, real estate listing, restaurant listing, job listing and so on. It enables you to find the very best stores and their location thanks to the power of Google Maps. Our Store Locator Plugin uses the Google Maps API V3 in order to offer you immediate, accurate information about each store that suits a customer inquiry.
Store Locator (Google Maps) :: Features list
- 5 Beautiful Themes for frontend.
- Multiple Layouts with Listing and Accordion Option.
- Accordion template with hierarchy of Countries, States, Cities and Stores.
- Color Palette for Google Maps Plugin UI Color Selection.
- Multiple Beautiful InfoWindow.
- Extra Template for Deals Websites to show their exciting deals on Maps.
- Extra Template for Real Estate websites to show their Properties and categorize them into Sale, Rent and Featured.
- Easily customize your info window content, which is a very unique feature.
- Easily customize your store list by just adding few keywords.
- Admin Dashboard for Store Locator with all the stats of your markers, stores, categories and search.
- Analytics Bar Chart to Show user searches which location they have searched most and which store is seen most.
- Analytics Bar Chart to Show Searches, top stores and top locations.
- Time Selection for Each Day for Every Location.
- Duplicate any Store with a Single Click.
- Add Markers with Each Category, Switch between Category Markers and Default Markers.
- 2 Prompt Location dialog for GeoLocation.
- Prompt Location 2nd dialog ask user to enter his Default Location in case site is not using SSL.
- Assign Multiple Categories to single store.
- All the ASL Settings can be Overridden by ShortCode Attributes.
- Add Minimum and Maximum Zoom Level for your google maps.
- Fetch Location Coordinates (Lat/Lng) as you type in store address.
- Too many markers? Enable Marker Clustering.
- Full Width Interactive Google Maps Template.
- Logo Management Panel.
- Marker Manage Panel.
- Choose Stores Time Format 12 or 24 Hours.
- Choose Distance unit Miles/KM.
- Draggable Marker to PinPoint Location.
- Manage Markers icons with names ( UPDATE, ADD and Delete).
- Set the zoom level of marker clicked.
- Manage Categories icons with names ( UPDATE, ADD and Delete).
- Import / Export Stores Excel Sheet with all the columns.
- Delete All Stores with Single Click.
- Choose a Google map type Hybrid, Roadmap, Satellite or Terrain.
- Prompt Location show the dialog box for confirmation to share current location.
- Show Distance to each Store from Current Location.
- Set Default Zoom of your Map.
- Load on bound fetch Only markers of the screen.
- Custom Filter Option.
- Disable Scroll Wheel.
- Show additional Information about Store.
- Enable/Disable Advance Filter.
- Assign Marker to Each Category and Enable Category Markers.
- Draw Shapes/Circle around your best locations.
- Change Placeholder Text for your search field.
- Show Category Icons instead of Marker icons.
- Enable/Disable Distance Slider.
- Set Default Lat/Lng of your Map.
- Change Header Title Text.
- Change font color for default Template.
- Change Category Title Text.
- Enable/Disable Store List Panel.
- Search Stores with Search by search by Store ID, Title, Description, Street, State, City, Phone, Email, URL, Postal Code, Disabled, Marker, Logo and Created Date in the WP-Admin Manage Stores .
- Customize your google maps with Drawing Overlay (Polygon, Rectangle, Circle) of Multiple Colors.
- Choose Maps look and feel from Snazzy Maps.
- Search by Address with auto-panning option.
- Filter Store Locator by Category for multiple store locators.
- Add Google Layers to Show Traffic, Transit and Bike Layers.
- Enable Marker Animation.
- Counter of Total Stores with Live Update as you Pan over Map.
- Restrict your google Search to Country.
- Switch between Google Search and Title Search on Store Locator.
- Enable Full Width for your Plugin.
- Enable/Disable Analytics.
- Enable/Disable Sort by Bound.
- Add Text for “No Item Found”.
- Show Nearest Stores from search location.
- Default Category Selection Option
- Option to select Map Language
- Option to select Map Region for Tiles
- Logo Manger with Listing
- Customization Template within your theme
- Set Fixed Radius Value for Range Slider
- Full Page Map and Fixed
- Set Radius Limit for Slider
- Update Existing Stores using Import
- Open Direction in Google Maps App in Mobile
- Sort by Distance, Name, City, and State
- Custom Ordering Supported
- Radius Circle for Search Range
- Option to set Map top or list on top in mobile devices
- [ASL_SEARCH redirect=”URL-of-Store-Locator”]
- Support Google Advanced Markers
- 100+ Advance Options for Admin.
Store Locator WordPress :: Change Logs
13.07.2016 - ver 1.0 - Added Google Maps API Key Option - Fixed: The position of ASL, previously it was putting at the top of the Page - Tried to remove the conflict of jQuery if already added in admin - Fixed: Google Maps Cluster was not disabling Properly - Fixed: Distance Slider was not disabling 20.07.2016 -Add RTL and translation support in WP Plugin -Week Days selection in WP Admin -Full-Width Map Store Locator -Show and Hide List Store Locator List -Time Format 24 Hours 20.07.2016 -Added Logo_image in Excel Import 10-8-2016 -Added Separate Time for Each Day - Add time slot for each day -Added Duplicate Store feature -Added Layers and Shapes on google maps -Allow to Set Zoom when an item Clicked on google maps 22-8-2016 - Fixed Issue with VC - Add new marker images - Minor bugs fixed 28-09-2016 - Dashboard and Analytics Added - Top Searched and Top Views Stores Added - Added MinZoom and MaxZoom for Google Maps 02-02-2017 - Minor issues fixed - Deal Maps Plugin - Real Estate Maps Plugin 02-20-2017 - Accordion Template minor fix - Added User Help on Backend 04-22-2017 - Added Help text in Admin 04-13-2017 - Removed jQuery UI from Admin - Added Some Fixes - Fixed Editor issue 04-24-2017 Add Logo Manager Fix marker sorting issue in admin Upgraded UI Fix glyphicon Issue Show Nearest Search Location 05-05-2017 Add Logo Manager Full Height Fixed Full Height Feature Fixed category Click 20-05-2017 Updated RTL CSS Default Category Selection Added Default Map Added Map Region Added Map Language 08-06-2017 Added Customization Template Option Added qTranslate Compatibility Fixed Minor issues Added Fixed_Radius parameter Updated CSS 15-06-2017 Added Fix for Category Icon Path Updated Admin CSS Removed Conflict of Bootstrap Modal Removed Conflict of Bootstrap Dropdown 12-07-2017 Updated Bootstrap JS file Removing a Notice from a file 29-8-2017 Moved Action buttons to Left in Manage Stores Added Update Stores option in Import/Export Open Map in Mobile App Fixed missing multi-lingual words 6-9-2017 version 3.2.0 Moved Action buttons to Left in Manage Stores Added Update Stores option in Import/Export Open Google Map in Mobile App Fixed missing multi-lingual words Added Sorting by Name, Distance, City, and State 6-11-2017 Mobile Optimize target _blank for website Limit to Categories Add drop-down for Selection Multiple Dates for a Store Full-Day ON/OFF Updated no_script HTML Updated start time and End time from admin RTL of new work Translation Updated 10-1-2018 Backup Assets Import Assets 9-2-2018 Option to Select Search Button Type Sort by Logo 28-2-2018 Set your own Custom Store List Order Sort by Store ID 20-4-2018 Option to Limit No # of Stores in List Smooth Pan Option Set Search Zoom Set Default Location Marker Set Limit to Store Logo Width n Height Set Limit to Category Icon Width n Height Set Limit to Marker Icon Width n Height 16-05-2018 Add Reset Option in Categories Added Search by Store City, State (Beta Version) Added Notification of Google Maps API Error 7-6-2018 Fetch Missing Lat/Lng without reimport Remove other Google Maps scripts Remove the chance of Conflict in the Accordion Layout 07-08-2018 Add a Radius Circle for Search 03-10-2018 Minor glitch fixed Added new countries in the Country List 05-10-2018 Fixed Countries table issue of the last build 13-12-2018 Tested with WordPress 5 18-12-2018 Add auto-scroll to the list Translation in admin Support CSV with Excel sheet Second Search with search_2 parameter 05-03-2019 Modern Admin UI with Bootstrap 4 MySQL query stress reduced for Admin minor updates 23-04-2019 Updated MySQL INDEXES Import Stores Images by the URL. 10-05-2019 Compatible with WordPress 5.2 02-01-2020 Compatible with WordPress 5.3 01-04-2020 Compatible with WordPress 5.4 14-04-2020 Option for mobile or list on the top [ASL_SEARCH], a separate store locator search widget Improvements in the UI 10-05-2020 Added Option to add custom fields 20-08-2020 Compatible with WordPress 5.5 21-09-2020 Added a new template in the store locator Added option to sort the categories list Updated Google Maps Direction service URL 11-12-2020 Integrated two new templates Cleanup the Direction API CSS Added Store detail page Cleanup the Search Widget CSS Compatible with WordPress 5.6 many more edits 04-01-2021 XML feeds can be accessed through Category Bound Option 25-02-2021 Geo-Location in the Search Widget 03-05-2021 Added Distance Control in the List Layout Hide List at the load, (it also hide when the search is cleared) Extra spacing header rows will also work The brand is showing up in the list layout 11-05-2021 Added an error message when API is not functioning Marker Generator Tool max_bound_zoom attribute for restricting the bound zoom 26-05-2021 Highlight a store with hash example: /store-locator/#54 Added Fast cache feature Added option to copy timings for each day Deprecation message removed with WordPress 5.7 No longer creates duplicate logos 09-05-2021 Added support for the cronjob Replace setCenter to panTo Fixed the cache issue when a folder doesn't exist 09-07-2021 Boundary Box for search Print Store List option Compatible with 5.8 WordPress 21-10-2021 Cronjob folder is moved to /public/cron changed the edit store URL as it was malfunctioning for a couple of users minor updates 07-12-2021 Added Filter Markers Option in the Category Accordion Templates Enhanced the "Fetch Missing Coordinates feature" Fixed the Same Hours button issue Added click_redirect="website" option (Redirect on click of the marker) 12-01-2022 Upgraded the underscore.js library Store Detail page supports map_layout attribute Supports Polyline Drawing 24-01-2022 Compatible with WordPress 5.9 Changed the admin ASL Settings UI Fixed analytics in the list template Product is replaced by "Specialities" 24-02-2022 Customization section added to directly modify the templates Cluster library is updated Address Dropdown for Country, State & Cities Applied max_bound for Search Zoom Template 3 has dropdowns for addresses direction_mode="walking" (driving, bicycling, walking, transit, two_wheeler) 05-03-2022 Multiple languages stores data can be feed 17-03-2022 Borlabs Cookies Plugin Compatible Added Option to Show only selected Store 01-04-2022 ***ALERT! Old Templates breaking changes*** Template 0,1,2,3 has been revamped to better UI/UX Migrated from Bootstrap 3 to 4+ Color & Font Customizer is integrated Tabs filters are added 23-05-2022 KML files are supported Open in a new tab option updated Compatible with WordPress 6.0 09-06-2022 Updated the list template List template UI Customizer added Add categories filter in the Manage stores list template with query parameter /store-locator/?sl-addr=california 14-06-2022 Fixed the stores count in Manage stores (issue since the last update) 29-06-2022 Elementor Shortcode builder is added Gutenberg Shortcode builder is added Minor issues fixed 01-07-2022 GEOJS.IO library is integrated for IP based Geolocation 13-07-2022 Show error when coordinates are invalid Modal will show description and additional description titles Open in a new tab is fixed Minor CSS changes Category Accordion is updated 18-08-22 Improved the Accordion list Source improvement Send link to appove store via email CF7 leads integration CF7 Lead Manager Multi Store WooCommerce Addon support integrated 31-08-2022 Improve the dashboard page Export Analytics Replace analytics chart Simple/Expert view 05-09-2022 WP Media for the Store Logos Webp files are supported 23-09-2022 License functionality updated 19-10-2022 CSRF added Added full form to the registration email Notification tab text change Load Markers without list option The grouped week hours issue fixed 24-10-2022 Removed the Additional Google Fonts that was loading due to GDPR Removed the Roboto fonts from loading due to GDPR Fully GDPR compliance Compatible with PHP 8.1 and WordPress 6.1 16-11-2022 Upgraded the store register form Deprecation message no longer appears Search by custom filter integrated 07-12-2022 (ver. 4.8.13) Added a search button in the list template Grouped hours are supported in the Detail page Minor fixes 15-12-2022 (4.8.15) New grid template added Option to add brand and special dropdowns 05-01-2023 (4.8.17) Minor typo mistake of link added the delete all filter 25-01-2023 (4.8.19) Fixed the callback console error, which was being removed due to Google Maps library changes Added Social Media icons by default in the listing Resolved the auto-redirect through the search widget 6-02-2023 (4.8.20) Customizer in Template 4 Store Page widget extended for fields attribute Minor updates WPML support for the Store Detail page List Template font tool fixed 16-02-2023 (4.8.22) Zoom button hide option Improved performance for a simple map without a list Search Widget Elementor Store Grid Elementor 2-03-2023 (4.8.24) Stores Site Map is added via Yoast KML_Files empty array error is resolved Introduced option to show stores only after a filter is applied VC Grid Widgets Elementor Widgets Store Detail Slug method is updated Field Selection for the Slug Disable the Zoom button option 17-03-2023 (4.8.26) Support sort by the category list based on category order ID Added Map Modal to set the coordinates Minor CSS adjusted Clean input values Supports multiple values in additional dropdowns [ASL_STORELOCATOR special="2,3,4"] delete_id column to delete the store using CSV file sort the list of import files WPML support Polylang 29-03-2023 (4.8.27) Custom Map fixed Show Pending Stores fixed 30-03-2023 (4.8.27) Compatible with WordPress 6.2 04-05-2023 (4.8.28) ***Major Updates*** Added scheduling options to schedule the stores Labels section to make changes in the labels directly The multi-dropdown issue for multiple languages fixed Template 5 has been revamped More parameters are supported for store detail slug 19-06-2023 (4.8.32) Supported Update by any default column in CSV closed_label to show closed days in grouped hours close the info box when a search is performed added actions before & after CSV import Supports Store Manager using Multi-Store Addons for WooCommerce 26-06-2023 (4.9) Compatible with Multi-Store Addons for WooCommerce (Store Manager Dashboard) Multi-Store Addons Dashboard for Store Manager is now supported (with Multi-Store Addons for WooCommerce) 24-07-2023 (4.9.3) The Datatables version upgraded (1.13.5) Zoom text change (label change) Custom columns are added to the listing 09-09-2023 (4.9.4) Supports Latest Advanced Google Maps Markers( Fixed the searching issue after custom column addition Meta tag in the Store Detail page WordPress 6.3 Tested 22-09-2023 (4.9.6) Fixed the Translation issue, that has occurred since 4.9.4 29-09-2023 (4.9.7) Sub-categories are supported ADA compliance Minor issues fixes 30-09-2023 (4.9.8) Elementor widget issue fixed (since 4.9.7) 5-09-2023 (4.9.10) - Store Cards - Minor CSS issues - Minor Edits - Fix the categories issue (in import) 14-09-2023 (4.9.11) - Sanitization Improvements - List Template - Search by Store Name improvement - Google Advanced Marker fixes (animation issue) - Hide open hours on the detail page 18-09-2023 (4.9.12) - Compatible with PHP 8.2 - Autoscroll to Map in Template 4 5-10-2023 (4.9.14) - Template 4 Time Status - Direction button - CSS Updates 25-10-2023 (4.9.15) - Rank Math Store Detail page - Improved the JS hook - Improved Remove Duplicate Store - Registration action and filter - Compatible with WordPress 6.4 29-11-2023 (4.9.16) - Northern Ireland country added - Get Stores Meta Methods - Reload Store Locator Method - Compatible with Multi-Store Addons for WC (1.4 version) - List Template, single brand selection fixed - JS hook "before_search" added 01-02-2024 (4.9.19) - Custom fields now support radio, select and checkbox fields - Fix the Item click in Template 1 - Update the 'Store' model to accept the query - Hide working days with hide_hours (disabled) - Fix the slug - Country as the Query Parameter or shortcode - Reset All option fix 28-02-2024 (4.10) - Textarea field in the Custom Field Manager - Tablet iOS fix (list was cut) - Line-break support in store detail page - Search Media issue fixed - Template list has been customized (**Breaking changes**) - Import/Export Configuration options - search address with names (database search search_title="1")